Birth Films
There's something so empowering from watching a woman birth her baby.
That's why we've included an exquisite library of birth films from the international award winning photographer and Birth Time co-director, Jerusha Sutton.

The Q&A's
Beginning with Sydney's Film Premiere Q&A Screenings, we run regular sessions to allow your most burning questions to be answered by the Birth Time team and other experts in the field of Birth.
They are recorded and uploaded into The Birth Time Hub.

Private Support Group
We know how important it is to feel connected.
The Birth Time Hub private support group offers a home where we can all get together to connect and ask questions, share our experiences, share resources, ideas, information and the latest research so you can feel supported and make fully informed choices, wherever you are in your birthing journey.
The Birth Time Hub covers all the topics...
Birth Trauma
The Women
The Partners
Normal Physiological Pain
Working with Pain
Birthing on Country
The System
Human Rights
The Patriarchy
Continuity of Midwifery Care
Plus much, much more...

includes unlimited access to:

Full length interviews from experts from around the globe.

Exquisite and powerful
birth films.

The Q&A from Sydney’s World Premiere Screenings.

Recordings from special live events.

Conversations with world renowned birth experts.

Access to our private support group.
Does not include access to film, Birth Time: the documentary
Are you ready to join us?
*Savings compared to 12 months of the monthly subscription price
The Birth Time Hub DOES NOT include access to the film, Birth Time: the documentary
Universities can apply for a student discount by emailing [email protected]