Zoe speaks live at International online conference
State University of New York
2022, May 5th
Anthropologists and other social scientists as well as many in the field of healthcare have for decades published articles on the detrimental effects of the medicalization of pregnancy and birth. There is no dearth of information in the academic databases, yet little progress...

Zoe emerged from her second birth ‘totally transformed’. She credits her midwife
The Sydney Morning Herald
2021, September 26th
Zoe Naylor always assumed the “best” way to give birth was in a private hospital under the care of an obstetrician. When the time came for her to deliver her first baby, Zoe had what is medically considered a “normal” vaginal birth and, apart from some....

Zoe joins Troy Benjamin on Really Good Radio in a moving interview
Really Good Radio
2021, September 23rd
Zoe joined the RGR morning show for an emotional, truthful and heartful chat around the maternity systems that are letting down our women and families through what COULD be the best most beautiful and sacred moment of their lives. Zoe shares her and the teams journey during....

Birth Time - the revolution
Chat on This
2021, August 31st
Alongside Jo Hunter and Jerusha Sutton, Zoe has co-founded and co-produced Birth Time, the movement and the documentary. We have seen the film and now we are here chatting with Zoe about the wave her team are creating towards reclaiming birth as the most transformative, powerful, primal and pivotal rite of passage. This film is normalising birth....

New documentary explores the trauma and flaws in Australasia's birth system
Radio NewstalkZB (NZ)
2021, June 27th
Having a baby should be one of the best days of your life but for an increasing number of women, they are emerging physically and emotionally traumatised. It was the first-hand experience of this that led film-maker, Zoe Naylor, on a four-year journey exploring...

The state of birth care in New Zealand
The AM Show NZ
2021, June 26th
New Zealand is known for many things - rugby, pavlova, cricket - but what about their birth care? A new documentary reveals New Zealand's maternity care system is the 'gold standard' for the rest of the world - but is it at risk? Watch back on an important discussion Zoe shared with the team from The AM Show in NZ...

Motherhood is a profound experience, but childbirth is another state of being
Film Diagnostic
2021, June 19th
Birth Time is an artistic and highly exceptional documentary of women going through traumatic childbearing experiences. It tells the story of the evolution of childbirth from intimately private practice to a highly medicalised routine. Unfortunately, this change has caused a significant...

Midwife-led home birth ‘shone such a huge light’ says Australian documentary-maker
NZ Doctor
2021, June 10th
Australian film-maker Zoe Naylor didn’t realise her first birth had been traumatic, until her second child, Beau, came along. When she gave birth to her daughter, she said the experience left her feeling alone and with subsequent postnatal depression. But giving...

Q&A with Zoe for Verve Magazine NZ
Verve Magazine NZ
2021, June Issue #176
Verve Magazine’s Fran Ninow: I was deeply touched by your movie, basically because it made me take a look at a process I had experienced so many years ago, one that I had never really questioned, but should have (my sons are 31 and 34). While it is a movie about birthing, it is also about asking questions, taking...

Zoe and Jo feature in Sydney's Mountains Life Magazine
LIfe Magazine
2021, April-May edition
Award winning film makers Zoe Naylor and Jo Hunter have a powerful message for mums. Although Zoe Naylor considers herself a highly educated and resourced woman, she emerged from her first birth emotionally traumatised. The Blue Mountains local has since discovered...

Zoe features in Marie Claire March 2021
Magazine, Marie Claire
2021, March
We need to talk about giving birth. Actor Zoe Naylor endured a traumatic labour, and believes Australia's maternity system needs a major overhaul. "The birth of my first child was what the medical system would call 'normal' and 'good'. Yet it was deeply distressing. I'm an educated, well-resourced woman, but...

Changing the way we birth with Jerusha Sutton
Happy Mama Movement Podcast
2021, March
How we birth matters. Not because of the way our babies enter the world - at home, in surgery, caeserean or water birth - but because the entry into this rite of passage must be empowering for the mother... otherwise, her entry into Matrescence begins with fear. And when you look at the...

Zoe chats with Andrea Gibbs on ABC Weekends
ABC Weekends
2021, March 14th
Three women have embarked on a mission to find out why an increasing number of women are emerging from their births physically and emotionally traumatised. Their discoveries have led them to join the birth revolution and forge a movement that hopes to change the face of maternity care throughout the...
Click to 1 hour, 25 minutes

The movement towards better care and opportunities increases with the release of Birth Time
WIN News Illawarra
2021, February 9th
Better Births Illawarra has relaunched efforts to expand Wollongong's birthing services. Interest in the issue will go national, as a new documentary highlights the need for change in our approach to maternity systems...

Jo on ABC Perth Afternoons chatting about birth trauma and the documentary
ABC Perth Afternoons
2021, February 22nd
Childbirth can be traumatic for the mother and the father. As a gynaecologist once said to me, there is no easy way to get a baby out of your body. Natural birth is hard, c-sections are hard, emergency c-sections are hard...
Click to 2 hours, 9 minutes

Channel 10 News with Angela Bishop
Channel 10 News
2021, February 19th
Having a baby should be one of the best days of your life, but new research shows for 1 in 3 mothers giving birth is traumatic. The new Australian documentary is about to be released that looks at why, and what can be done to change it. The opening scene of Birth Time leaves you in no doubt about what the film is about. We show birth on a big screen unashameably...

Nine Today Extra: three women on a mission to overhaul our maternity system
Nine Today Extra
2021, February 19th
Three Aussie women are on a mission to overhaul our country's maternity system. After spending 4 years on the road, their expert findings on childbirth are harrowing, exposing countless stories of trauma, emotion and post natal depression. 'I just felt so out of control, I felt like things...

Birth Time breaking Australian box office records
2021, February 15th
Outside of the main box office, Aussie films are also finding success via cinema-on-demand. Zoe Naylor, Jo Hunter and Jerusha Sutton’s documentary Birth Time has smashed records for Demand Film, with $223,506 in ticket sales for 90 confirmed screens. This complements aa series of 13 special events Q&A...

Is birth trauma the next feminist frontier?
Australian Financial Review
2021, February 12th
Birth, says filmmaker Zoe Naylor, is the next big feminist issue. “We’ve tackled #MeToo, we’ve begun talking about some very complicated, tricky ideas. But we still think that birth is just something to be endured, no matter what.” Naylor’s own experiences giving birth directly informed and influenced her film Birth Time: the Documentary...

Actress Zoe Naylor on the 'healing' of her second birth
The Juggling Act, Apple Podcasts
2021, February 11th
Aussie actor Zoe Naylor has two beautiful children with fellow actor Aaron Jeffries, and now she's stepping behind the camera. Zoe has opened up about the trauma of her first birth, and how her second a few years back was the complete opposite and actually ended up being a ‘healing’ experience. This prompted her...

7NEWS: Dr Rachel Reed and Belinda Costello chat about being featured in doco
7NEWS Sunshine Coast
2021, February 10th
A Queensland mother and her midwife will feature in an international documentary, investigating an increase in traumatic birth experiences. The documentary features accounts from many women who say they feel bullied by a heavily medicalised maternity system...

'I was traumatised': Actress Zoe Naylor sparks 'Birth Time' revolution
Essential Baby
2021, February 10th
For actress Zoe Naylor, the birth of her second child in 2016 was a 'revelation'. The mum-of-two chose to birth with an independent midwife, Jo Hunter, and a doula, Jerusha Sutton, and emerged feeling empowered and with a deep sense of healing. It was, as she explains, a vastly different experience to her...

Interview with FEMALE.com.au about BirthTime the documentary
2021, February 10th
For actress and activist Zoe Naylor, the birth of her second child in 2016 was a revelation. With Jo Hunter as her midwife, and Jerusha Sutton as her doula/birth videographer, Zoe emerged from the birth feeling transformed and with a deep sense of healing, an experience vastly different....

Jo, Zoe and Jerusha chat to Andrew from The Curb about the doco and birth
The new Australian documentary, Birth Time, focuses on the birthing process in Australia, taking a look at post-natal care, birth care, and how to improve birthing care for mothers, babies, partners, health practitioners, and midwives. It is, quite simply, one of the most valuable and important films...

Zoe and Jo on ABC 702 leading up to the launch of Birth Time the documentary
A healthy mother and child is the first priority, but a good experience is also important. A new documentary, Birth Time, looks at Australian experiences of childbirth. Cassie spoke to two of the filmmakers, Zoe Naylor and Jo Hunter about what is really happening...

Actress Zoe Naylor's documentary sheds light on Australia's 'broken' maternity system
Body & Soul news.com.au
2021, February 9th
Our maternity system is broken. We have a postnatal depression epidemic, with suicide being the leading cause of maternal death in the developed world. Birth trauma is rampant. We have incredibly high intervention rates in birth, yet research shows that this is not...

Interview with the Birth Time team on The Midwives Cauldron podcast
Apple Podcasts
2021, January 22nd
We interview the three amazing women who embarked on a mission to find out why an increasing number of women are emerging from their births physically and emotionally traumatised. Their discoveries expose the truth and led them to join the birth revolution and...

Interview with Jerusha on the Positive Birth Australia podcast
On today’s episode I have the privilege of interviewing Jerusha, one of the co-creators of the new documentary coming out this February called Birth Time. A documentary highlighting the current maternity system and the lack of funding and continuity care for women resulting in unacceptable birth trauma...

The Birth Time limited edition hat showcased on Channel Nine's Today Show by Aaron Jeffery
Today Show
2019, October
If you've ever wanted to make your way back to Drover's Run for one final visit with the McLeod family, this is your best chance, because Bridie Carter, Lisa Chappell, Simmone Jade MacKinnon, Aaron Jeffery and Myles Pollard are coming together to relive all the memories...

Jerusha wins International Birth Photography Award
International Association of Professional Birth Photographers 2019
The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers is proud to announce the winners of the 2019 IAPBP Image Competition. Our Judge panel had a very difficult job in narrowing down the winners this year as there were many excellent entries. We are appreciative of their time and efforts. Winners were...

Zoe gives thanks to Australia's Volunteers and chats about the Birth Time documentary
The Daily Addition
2019, May 24th
Zoe Naylor is best known for her work on the small screen, appearing in Aussie classics like McLeod's Daughters and Home and Away. But away from showbiz, Zoe has been making headlines for her real-life adventures - after her four-legged friend sparked a major rescue operation...

Guest Speakers at Westmead Women’s and Newborn Health Conference
The Pulse
2019, May 3rd
As a midwife and a mum, Kate Pendlebury has seen the Westmead Hospital midwife caseload program from both sides of the coin. On Friday it made her the perfect person – with six-month-old daughter Aurelia Vari in tow – to speak about the growth and success of the program’s...

Jo Hunter comments on Carrie Bickmore's disappointing birth comments
2018, March 28th
When Carrie Bickmore announced on the Project that her birth was like most births and had not gone to plan, birth professionals around the country were left shaking their heads. “When I had my daughter, she was vacuumed out. It’s just the way the birth ended up, as you know most don’t go to plan...

McLeod’s Daughters Zoe Naylor on the homebirth that changed her life
2018, February 26th
McLeod’s Daughters actress, Zoe Naylor, describes the homebirth of her second baby, Beau, as “the single most life-affirming, life-changing and empowering experience of my life”, and it has led her to produce a new documentary called Birth Time. Zoe said the documentary is not about homebirth, but about a...