SERIES TWO: Who Defines Risk? - EPISODE TWO: Homebirthing twins with Bibi Coxon

Series Two: Risk Factors in Childbirth and Who Defines Risk?

This series topic was borne from the recent happenings in the world of homebirth in Australia around Professional Indemnity Insurance for Privately Practicing Midwives and the potential parameters that they will have to practice within. 

Advocacy efforts are underway to ensure that women can continue to choose where and with whom they give birth and that midwives can continue to support them. Homebirth Australia (HBA) are asking people to write to their MPs informing them of how the proposed insurance will impact them personally. Please refer to HBA Instagram for more information:

Episode Two: Homebirthing twins with Bibi Coxon

In this episode we are delighted to share our chat with Bibi Coxon. Bibi shares her own birth stories including the unassisted homebirth of her twins, as well as her work as a midwife supporting physiological twin births. 

Bibi is a midwife and mum to 3 babies all born at home, including twins in Australia.

Her work and passion is in supporting women to have a positive birth experience.

Bibi has two degrees in Midwifery. One Italian and one Australian.

She has been teaching and educating actively in both countries and in both Italian and English. 

Bibi is learning more and more from Breech Without Borders about breech and twins and will be training along side the Global Midwifery Director, Kristine Lauria in Italy 2024 and in Australia in April 2025 (registration link below). 

The current situation places twin pregnancy into high risk clinics without continuity of care and without midwifery care which leads to higher rate of cesarean section and often trauma and separation from babies.

Bibi's dream is to be able to offer to every woman pregnant with twins at least midwifery continuity of care and normalise vaginal twin birth even when 1 or 2 babies are breech.  

Her ultimate dream is to normalise twin homebirth, when conditions are physiological.

We hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as we enjoyed talking to Bibi. 


Bibi Coxon
Websites for Homebirth:
Website for Twins (under construction)
Breech Without Borders:
Newcastle Link for registering for Breech Without Border training for April 2025:

Bibi's Instagram:
Twins Instagram:

Podcast - Your Holistic Midwife:
Podcast - Birthing Twins (Launching 1st October 2024):

Birth Time




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